Monday, December 20, 2010

Lego Creationary

My sons got Lego Creationary for Christmas. They have had so much fun playing it. As a mom that is good to see but for me the game was kind of a let down. The idea of the game was so much more exciting than the actual game. My boys have loved playing the game. It is more fun for them to pick out a card and then build on their own without playing it as a board game. We did try and play and there is no time limit, some of the cards you pick to build are tricky, and the game left me lacking. That is my point of view and if you asked my boys they would definitely tell you differently. So parents don't get your hopes up and I'm glad I bought it on a pre-Christmas sale. It is fun for the kids to look at a picture and try to create something similar (it is a Lego version of pictionary) without the pressure of guessing or timing or points.

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