Friday, October 1, 2010

All Time Favorite Toy

The Ball Popper: This has been every one of my children's all time favorite toy when they were young. They will still sit around and watch the balls pop up. It brings so much laughter to our home. It is so much fun for the kids and so much fun for me to watch them laugh and smile. The balls pop up and go back around the track and pop up again. . .some fly off occasionally (especially with brand new batteries). The kids love it! It is a great toy. The recommended age is 9 months and up and I agree with that. Once a child is sitting up it is fun for them to watch the balls as long as you are there to help clean up the ones that fly off and it is a great toy as your child grows because they can pick up the ones that pop off and quickly put them back in so they will pop out again. This is a must have for young children!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a definite family favorite of ours! Even mom gets hooked trying to beat my time at it! Your blog looks awesome!!! I will definitely be browsing here often :)
