Sunday, October 10, 2010

Legos-easy clean up

This summer my sons started their obsession with Lego's. . . we have SO many now. I have a baby girl who is now mobile but even before she began putting everything in her mouth we have always kept the Lego's up on the table. I love to build and play with the Lego's with my kids so when the baby is napping or in her exer-saucer I put a blanket on the floor and the Lego's have to stay on the blanket. This makes it very easy to clean up. We pick up the corners of the blanket and then either put the whole blanket in the Lego bin or grab all four corners and dump the Lego's into the bin. They sell a cool container for storage that I've been thinking about getting. Each one of these containers comes out so you don't have to get out all the Lego's. . . or when you child is building something it can be stored separately in a bin. . . or you can store sets in the separate bins. I think it is a great idea. I liked it so much that my husband and I (with the occasional help from our 6 year old son) separated Lego's into their sets. We went so far as to separate by color so that we could find what pieces went with what set. It was a bit crazy. The bin is 49.99 at Toys R US. It also comes with 2 baseplates.

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