Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mario kart K'nex

My boys got the Mario K'nex set for Christmas. At first they got a bundle from Target until we realized it was just a piece or section and not a full track, plus it had 2 pull back cars and 2 motorcycles (which we already had) and then an expansion pack for around $100. So we went to Toys R Us and found this one for $99.99 but it is a full and complete track. It came with two battery powered cars. If you buy the cars individually they are just pull back and release. The cars that come with the track are battery powered and go around and around the track. This track offers multiple obstacles like the fireballs. It is a HUGE set. It takes up a lot of space-luckily we have a basement so we can keep it together because it also takes a LOT of time and patience to put together. The kids love it. I would recommend rechargeable batteries because they go through batteries really fast. You don't really need the extra track pack or any other add-ons if you get the big track. By the time you buy an expansion track pack and a few of the obstacle tracks it just makes sense (for the price) to buy a set.

This one is only $59.99 at Toys R Us. It is smaller, takes less time to put together but still comes with 2 battery powered cars. It is Mario and Yoshi at the Finish Line

Disney Princess Bath Dolls

If your little one loves Disney princesses she'll love these bath dolls.  My two girls do!

Disney Princess/Prince Wedding Sets

I love these little dolls. The girls love to play with them. We have the castle. We have multiple sets and carriages. I like these sets because they come with a prince and princess. This is the only time I've seen Prince Eric. They are sold individually at Toys R Us (I've also seen them at WalMart) or in a set of three at Toys R Us.

Lego Duplo- Disney Princess

Oh my gosh!!! I was searching for Disney princess toys to post on the blog and found these! I am SO excited. My kid LOVE Lego Duplo blocks and now they make Disney princess blocks!! I am excited for Easter and birthdays now for my girls. Aren't these so cute!!!! I found them at Toys R Us.

FurReal Friends GoGo My Walking Pup

My kids LOVE this toy. My daughter got it for Christmas and it was a big hit with all four kids. It is an expensive toy (ranges around $60) and is usually cheapest around Christmas. My daughter played with it at a friend's house and immediately wanted one of her own. Her friends love it as well. It is a popular toy! It is white but it has stayed clean and it doesn't really shed much. It does bark or make noise on its own as the batteries are dying. . . There is an ON/OFF switch which is really nice! The buttons are easy for little ones to push and walk the dog. Very fun! It keeps the kids happy and they don't ask for a pet :) which makes me happy!!!

Toy Microphone

Another big hit in our house is this toy microphone I bought at Target. It is such a big hit that my 2 year old wanted her own for her birthday present. It plays music and other fun things but the fun part for my kids is you can record yourself and play it back. So my daughter loves to sing. So she will record a song she makes up and then listen to herself. Is Okideoke brand.

Toy Food

For my daughter's second birthday we bought her two baskets of toy food from Target. One basket had vegetables and one had fruit. Each basket came with a toy knife and cutting board and the food is plastic but Velcros together. It is the best. She loves to sit down with her basket full of food and chop the food over and over again! We love to sit and watch her play. The baskets are sturdy too so she can gather other toys or random things and carry them around the house. Good buy! Under $10 at Target.

Baby Alive Baby All Gone

This is currently both of my daughters favorite baby doll. My youngest daughter loves to feed the baby and the baby talks back to her. She says "thank you," "I'm thirsty," and "more please" and my 2 year old thinks it is the greatest baby doll!! I agree. It is a cute doll. The doll is smaller in size than some of the other baby alive dolls and easy to carry.
There are also additional clothing sets available that fit this doll as well as other Baby Alive dolls. So we have a dress and pajamas and the girls love to change the baby as well as feed her! 

Lego Super Heroes

I saw these toys at Target when I was wandering the aisles with my little ones. The boys were at school so they didn't get to see the new sets. When we told them about the new line of Lego's they were so excited and they went online so they could see them! Lego created a super hero line. They sell a batcave (which is what my son wants for his birthday now) and all sorts of other sets. My boys LOVE Lego's and so these are on their wish lists!!

Cinderella Carriage

So this is the carriage my daughter has always wanted. After I showed her the barbie carriage listed below I saw this one at Toys R Us. I immediately asked her if she liked this one better. She had her mind set on the barbie one but eventually I convinced her to like this one better. She has loved it. She puts her prince and princess inside and pulls them around everywhere.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mario K'nex

I bought my two boys the Mario and Luigi k'nex motorcycles as a gift when my 5th child was born. It kept them entertained in the boring hospital. They are big Lego fans so I figured they would be so excited to build Mario and Luigi motorcycles and I was right! They loved them. So for Christmas they have asked for the Mario Kart K'nex track set. There are many different pieces available (different obstacles like on the video game) and an track expansion pack so you can build a track and race. You can also buy Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi carts to build if you don't want to buy all the different sets to build a track.

Light Saber

I am not a big Star Wars fan but I think these are so cool (probably because Van had one on the TV Show Reba).
These light sabers do not collapse and light up and make noise.
My boys asked for these for Christmas.
There is a $5 off coupon in the Target holiday toy coupon book which is good until November 23!!!
They are available in green, blue, and red!

Barbie Carriage

My daughter has wanted a carriage for her barbies for awhile now but I haven't been able to find one. Last week we were shopping at Target and saw this! She was so excited and immediately told me to add it to her Christmas list!

Disney Princess Toddler Dolls

These dolls are so precious! My mother in law bought this doll for my daughter for her birthday and she loves it. We picked Ariel but you can buy Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Belle, Tiana, or Sleeping Beauty. They are a step up from a baby doll and just perfect for my little girls. They even sell extra clothes if you want those as well. You can buy the doll by itself or in a set that comes with the doll a matching dress for your little princess!

Disney Princess Castle

I bought this castle for my daughter's 4th birthday. She LOVES it! She has all the little princess dolls and now they have a place to live! It comes with a lot of furniture and one doll. The reviews complain about the blue castle tops falling off and they do but my daughter doesn't complain. She just puts them back on after they fall off. She has enjoyed her castle!

New Batcave

This year my boys want the new and improved Fisher Price Imaginext batcave!! 

Christmas time again

I took a break from toy blogging for awhile. . . I have been busy. I had my 5th child this summer and I haven't been buying many toys lately. My kids have toys and they don't play with a lot of toys now that we are busy with school and sports. But they still insist on going down the toy aisle! Christmas is here again and they are back to asking for toys!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Basket Fillers

Look in the seasonal department at the stores and you can find all sorts of fun goodies to collect for a "potty prize bag" or gifts for friends birthdays or to fill Easter baskets. It is always fun to go through the seasonal department to see what you can find (for example Target has the batman figures). Check it out!!!

Disney Princess Barbie dolls

This week at Target the Disney Princess Barbie dolls are only 29.99 for 7! They are normally 49.99 and the sale says "lowest price EVER." It is a pretty good deal when each doll is normally between 8.99-10.99 depending on what store you look at. This set includes the new  Rapunzel doll.

I'm back!!

So I took a big, long break after Christmas. I haven't bought many toys since then or seen any outstanding deals until now!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and your child loves their new toys!!! I will be back after the holidays. . . like I said there are always deals to find and share!!! Merry Christmas!!!


Last year our boys and our nephew got GeoTrax train sets for Christmas and I thought they took AA batteries when they all took AAA batteries. . . Luckily my parents had a few but we had 3 boys which meant 3 battery powered trains and the airplane and we needed more than a few. So we had to set a few aside until after Christmas.

So don't make the same mistake I did. . .Make sure you have plenty of batteries of all sizes ready to go on Christmas. There is nothing worse than getting a fun toy and not being able to play it because you don't have batteries or you don't have the right size battery!!!

Lego Creationary

My sons got Lego Creationary for Christmas. They have had so much fun playing it. As a mom that is good to see but for me the game was kind of a let down. The idea of the game was so much more exciting than the actual game. My boys have loved playing the game. It is more fun for them to pick out a card and then build on their own without playing it as a board game. We did try and play and there is no time limit, some of the cards you pick to build are tricky, and the game left me lacking. That is my point of view and if you asked my boys they would definitely tell you differently. So parents don't get your hopes up and I'm glad I bought it on a pre-Christmas sale. It is fun for the kids to look at a picture and try to create something similar (it is a Lego version of pictionary) without the pressure of guessing or timing or points.

Christmas is almost here

Well I've taken a break from my blog so that I can spend time with my family preparing for Christmas time. I see that I have visitors from all over the country and I hope I have helped find toys for the special ones in your life :) I try to avoid the stores right now-they are crazy busy but there are always toys and deals out there!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fisher Price Trio Blocks

I think Fisher Price Trio blocks are a lot of fun. We don't have these blocks but my kids have built fun things with them at my in law's house. They even sell fun sets like Trio blocks Bat cave and accessory packs.
(all sets are 25% off at Toys R Us right now)

Batman toys

Target is selling Batman figures for the Bat cave in their stocking stuffer section. Go check it out. If you need some more figures for your bat cave or if you need something fun for your kid's stocking this is a good chance to get them!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lego Advent Calendar

I was going to order the Lego advent calendar online but I saw that they are sold at WalMart, Target, and Toys R Us. There is a $5.00 off coupon for it in the Target toy catalog. Target is the cheapest place I've found it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Barbie Three Story Dream Townhouse

Barbie Three Story Dream Townhouse:

Target: $139.99
WalMart: $125
Toys R Us: $139.99

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fisher Price Loving Family Baby Set

I found this on the Toys R Us website. What a cute set. . . It is everything for baby. My daughter has several sets for the Loving Family dollhouse but not this one. . . I've never seen it before. It looks really cute though, especially if your child loves babies!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set

The Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set is at Target! I saw it on the shelf Friday! They sell out REALLY FAST! So if you are looking to get one they are available at Target!

Winter Toys

The air is starting to turn colder and so our winter toys have come out. We have toys that don't get played with a lot during the warmer months so I store them away until it gets cold. Lego's, wood building blocks, the and the wood trains. During the summer and fall we were outside and at sprayscapes, and parks every week so these toys did not get played with a lot. We have been building a lot the past two weeks with our wood blocks. All our friends enjoy building with them too!

Toys R Us sells a 75 piece set for 14.99 and a 150 piece set for 24.99. The coolest part is the top of the bucket is a shape sorter. My kids LOVE that!

Lego Creationary

I think this looks like such a fun game. It is like the game Pictionary but with Lego's. . . instead of drawing you build!!!
My son wants this for Christmas and I've been recommending this idea to all moms who have kids who love Lego's.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake and Friends Multi Pack

So I had to run to Target today (don't laugh, but it has been over a week) and while walking up and down the toy aisles with my daughters, I saw a Strawberry Shortcake and friends multi pack. It was 29.99 and was a Target exclusive. . . but it had 5 dolls in it plus different clothes for each one and came in a hat box. It was really cute and smelled so sweet! So if you want clothes, accessories and the dolls and want to buy more than one doll this might be the deal for you. . . or wait to see if it goes on sale. Right now the single dolls have been lowered to $5.04 (regularly $5.99) so this is the better deal if you don't want the clothes and accessories. They don't include other outfits. This multi pack had a purple doll. I've never seen a purple doll (just blue, orange, red, yellow, and pink). The set includes the orange, yellow, pink, Strawberry (red) and purple.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Leapfrog DVDs

I bought these two DVDs after the Letter Factory. They are very educational. They teach about vowels and putting letters together to make words. The Code Word Caper teaches about vowel rules. . . some of which I don't remember learning as a child and I had a "so that's why" moment. It even taught me!

Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD

I think this is the best children's movie. This DVD has helped my children learn their letters and what sound each letter makes.


My babies have all loved this ball. When I bought mine I don't see the O'ball rattle. So our ball is just plain but it is perfect for little hands. It is flexible and soft enough that my older children can play with the baby and I don't worry about anyone getting hurt. A baby can pick up the ball and chew on it because of the O's. I think the rattle is pretty cool and a good idea as well.

Legos-easy clean up

This summer my sons started their obsession with Lego's. . . we have SO many now. I have a baby girl who is now mobile but even before she began putting everything in her mouth we have always kept the Lego's up on the table. I love to build and play with the Lego's with my kids so when the baby is napping or in her exer-saucer I put a blanket on the floor and the Lego's have to stay on the blanket. This makes it very easy to clean up. We pick up the corners of the blanket and then either put the whole blanket in the Lego bin or grab all four corners and dump the Lego's into the bin. They sell a cool container for storage that I've been thinking about getting. Each one of these containers comes out so you don't have to get out all the Lego's. . . or when you child is building something it can be stored separately in a bin. . . or you can store sets in the separate bins. I think it is a great idea. I liked it so much that my husband and I (with the occasional help from our 6 year old son) separated Lego's into their sets. We went so far as to separate by color so that we could find what pieces went with what set. It was a bit crazy. The bin is 49.99 at Toys R US. It also comes with 2 baseplates.

Peanut Butter M&Ms

Do your kids love peanut butter M&Ms as much as mine? Sorry to those with peanut allergies. . . Well at Halloween time Target (other stores probably do too but I shop most at Target) sells fun size packages of peanut butter M&Ms and I've only seen them at Halloween time. . . so I stock up. They are perfect size for a reward (we put them in our potty prize bag) and you don't have to open a big package to divvy out to each child. I've been buying some and they have a "save 50 cents now" coupon on the package. 

Fisher Price Little People

We are big fans of the Fisher Price Little People collection. We have the airport, the airplane, the school bus, the farm, and the garage. The people and vehicles are the kids' favorites. The farm and the garage are large and take up a lot of room in our playroom. . . When my oldest three stopped playing with the large items I  donated them and now we just have a bucket with the farm, the people, vehicles, and animals. Those are what get played with the most anyway. They sell sets for every holiday. At Toys R Us they sell sets that are pink and very cute! Classic toy for every kid!

**At Christmas and Easter they package a few Little People vehicles and people together for stocking/basket.

Bat Cave Accessories

Here are some fun accessories for the Bat Cave. You can also buy a pack with one character and a vehicle. . . They run about 5.99 for the small set. The bigger car/helicopter/ship set run about 10.99. The kids got those as gifts for Christmas which is what started our bat cave collection. My mom bought the kids the joker house and they love to pull it out with the bat cave. We have  multiples of each character (which is good with multiple children and for when friends come over). I have found that a good time to buy accessories is at Easter or Christmas when they bundle a few for stocking/basket stuffers.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Juice Box Holder

I bought this at Buy Buy Baby and I love it! My daughter has a tendency to squeeze the juice box and this prevents that. I think they are only 1.99 and come in several different colors (green is my son's favorite color). I love the handles and the peace of mind that no messes will be made! They are supposed to fit other types of drinks (Caprisons) as well but my kids don't drink those.

Target brand baby dolls

I think this is the cutest baby doll! My daughter has a couple baby dolls from Target.
I love the little booties and the cute dress.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mr Potato Head Magnets

We have both of these sets and my kids love them.
They both make a great activity for church or travel. I've seen the smaller set at Buy Buy Baby but I bought both of my sets on (search imaginetics). There are many other sets as well (dollhouses, dress up, airplanes, trucks, etc.) so you can find one to fit your child's preference.

Friday, October 1, 2010

All Time Favorite Toy

The Ball Popper: This has been every one of my children's all time favorite toy when they were young. They will still sit around and watch the balls pop up. It brings so much laughter to our home. It is so much fun for the kids and so much fun for me to watch them laugh and smile. The balls pop up and go back around the track and pop up again. . .some fly off occasionally (especially with brand new batteries). The kids love it! It is a great toy. The recommended age is 9 months and up and I agree with that. Once a child is sitting up it is fun for them to watch the balls as long as you are there to help clean up the ones that fly off and it is a great toy as your child grows because they can pick up the ones that pop off and quickly put them back in so they will pop out again. This is a must have for young children!!!!

Dollar Tree: $1 coloring books

I always buy coloring books at the dollar store. . . We have a Dollar Tree close and they always have a large variety of coloring books and not just generic ones (we're talking Mickey Mouse, Strawberry Shortcake, Hot Wheels, Winnie the Pooh, etc)!!!!

Target Dollar Spot

Every time we walk into Target we walk through the dollar spot. It is amazing some of the cool stuff you can find there. Before school started it was full of academic workbooks and other tools for education. There was a time during the summer when the dollar spot was full of boy play clothes. I bought fire, police, construction, and army hats. There is always something cool there! Take a look when you go to Target!

Toys, Toys, Toys

I have bought many toys in my six and a half years as a mom. Sometimes friends will ask me about toys and where I find them not only because we have so many in our home but because my kids and I always go down the toy aisles in each store we go to when we are running errands. Every time we go to the grocery store or go to Target they ask to look at the toys. So I see lots and lots of toys each week! 

Barbie cars

My daughter has two barbie cars. They are both good cars and seat two barbies. They have seat belts too! I like the bigger one better because it is easier to get the dolls in and out. It is a little harder in the pink car. The pink car is the one found in most stores. I bought the blue one at Meijer. They sell it occasionally. Both are good but in my opinion the bigger car is better.