Saturday, September 25, 2010

Train Tracks

My kids go through phases when playing with their toys. It is a good idea to put some toys away and then rotate. One example is building train tracks. We have the wooden train tracks from IKEA. They are very fun and inexpensive. These trains and others have the claim that they can be used with other brands but I have found this is not the case with the IKEA and the Imaginarium brand. We have both and they do not fit together easily. We (I say we because I do a lot of track building) love to build long tracks and make them different every time. I recommend the IKEA tracks to friends and family looking for wooden trains. My kids never got hooked to Thomas the Train and I'm glad because they are EXPENSIVE!!!!

My kids also love GeoTrax. We have a GeoTrax set and then extra tracks. We don't really use the extra tracks that often. Occasionally they'll extend the track set we have or make an additional track to play on but usually the pieces just stay in their box. I would start out with just. I think that is sufficient for playing. Also, we had to get multiple trains and remotes for each kid and don't buy two that look alike! We bought one for our son and the same one for our nephew and one remote controlled both trains. So get 2 different trains if you have more than one child playing GeoTrax together.

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